Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ An interview with former Peruvian Minister of Education Jaime Saavedra

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community

I spent some time this afternoon reading about Peruvian politics and Jaime Saavedra in particular. I thought it odd that he'd go from the World Bank to being Peruvian education minister, then being sacked for corruption, and now being touted by McKinsey. But I absolutely don't know enough about him or his politics to comment. But I will say this: it is wrong to credit someone for PISA results that changed one year into your term as education minister. Or even three years in. Education scores aren't like the stock market; they don't shift on a dime. So why is he being touted by McKinsey and others? Is that he's back with the World Bank? Or is it his policies? Anyhow, here are his papers and blog posts.

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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Last Updated: Sept 20, 2024 01:52 a.m.

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