UC Drops Elsevier
Lindsay McKenzie,
Inside Higher Ed,
Mar 01, 2019
I found this to be a nice juxtaposition of stories: on the one hand, the University of California cancels it's Elsevier subscription, and on the other hand, Springer Nature is contributing articles to ResearchGate. The California case is straightforward: "UC wanted to integrate its fees and reduce its costs. Elsevier wanted to charge publishing fees on top of subscription fees, said Ivy Anderson. That predicate made it impossible to reach an agreement." The Springer Nature initiative is based on a cooperative agreement announced this past April and will see some 6,000 otherwise subscription- only articles made available without access controls. More: Nature Science, Berkeley News, Chronicle, University of California statement. It has taken 20 years, but as the Chronicle reports, Open Access is Going Mainstream.
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