The Road to Sharing is Not Paved With Licenses
Alan Levine,
Oct 23, 2018
"Share for gratitude," writes Alan Levine, "not for rules and license terms." I agree (and I have my own stories about home someone just uses some of my content for a project or whatever). What the whole copyright and licensing debate has done is to move the ethos of the crass commercial from the corporate sphere into the personal sphere. The same ethics that govern corporations (which is to say, none, which is why everything must be spelled out in a license or contract) is now to be applied to people. Anything goes, unless there's a legal liability attached. I have no interest in that world, in its indifference to what is right and good, and in its valuation of nothing more than wealth and power. (p.s. now that gRSShopper uses WebMentions, when I post something like this it sends a message back to the author - not because it's required, but because it's nice).
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