Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ Learning Object Reuse Acknowledgment

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community
I think that Alan Levine is definitely on the right track with Learning Object Reuse Acknowledgment (LORA), which tracks the use of learning objects, but I think this is the wrongway to do it: "the system automatically sends a short electronic 'acknowledgment' to the object's home in the 'repository.' In MovableType, this is a 'ping' message that sends a weblog a title, URL, date, and brief blurb of this external mention of a blog post." Why? Well, first, pings are a 'push' medium, and therefor liable (and thus, likely) to be spammed. Second, things like 'ping' and 'trackback' are undemocratic - they require that you select certain elite privileged systems (such as, say, Technorati) to send content to, rather than posting it and making it available to anyone to harvest. We need to add usage information to the Semantic Social Network - more about that next week.

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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Last Updated: Sept 09, 2024 01:14 a.m.

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