What's Wrong With This Picture?
Jay Cross,
Internet Time,
Feb 13, 2004
I don't know that I've flattered Jay Cross, mostly because I can't draw, but if I could draw, I would be the first to flatter him. That said, this point is well taken: "In part because we mistake the role of training with the role of schools, schematics like this focus on the individual rather than the work group. We've figured out lots of things about how a single person learns, but we haven't come very far since The Fifth Discipline in helping groups learn." And all of that said, the attached article, Changing Perspectives: From Individual to Organizational Learning, by David C. Forman, is a worthwhile read. I really like the use of layers distinguishing between the 'contribution level' and the 'multiplier level' in organizational learning - go back and read about connectionism or (dare I say it) emergence to see why this gets me so excited. But I must say, if I hear people referred to as 'human capital' one more time, I am going to utter some very non-capital oaths.
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