Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ 5 Design Steps Of Learner Engagement For Humans

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community

"This article," writes Zsolt Olah, "is about why you can't motivate humans, and the 5 design steps you should go about it." Wait - you can't motivate students? There goes about ten tons of educational theory! But this proposition is advanced by Susan Fowler in her book on the topic. The idea is that you can't motivate them because they're already motivated. "People spend significant amount of informal learning time on YouTube, social media, forums; they're asking peers constantly for answers. They are engaged and motivated," writes Olah. Ah, but the methodology that follows reads as something similar to Gagne's nine events (reduced to five). Grab attention, challenge them, engage them, then, um, motivate them, and finally, inspire! There is a useful link to a chapter on motivation from Julie Dirksen's book on learning design with a focus on four elements: technology acceptance, user efficacy, modelling and practice, and social proof.

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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Last Updated: Jun 02, 2024 04:25 a.m.

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