I Don’t Believe in Blockchain
May 18, 2017
I'm sure Don and Alex Tapscott don't want to read this, but Tim Bray (who has a long history of internet standards development) has called the recent attention being paid to blockchain "an overÂproÂmotÂed niche sideshow." He writes, "I’ve seen wave after wave of landscape-shifting techÂnolÂoÂgy sweep through the IT space: PerÂsonÂal comÂputÂerÂs, Unix, C, the InÂterÂnet and WeÂb, Java, REST, moÂbile, pubÂlic cloud. And withÂout exÂcepÂtion, I obÂserved that they were iniÂtialÂly loadÂed in the back door by geekÂs, withÂout askÂing perÂmisÂsion, beÂcause they got shit done and helped peoÂple with their jobÂs.That’s not hapÂpenÂing with blockchain. Not in the slightÂest. Which is why I don’t beÂlieve in it."
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