Working out Loud and Serendipity
Sahana Chattopadhyay,
ID, Other Reflections,
Nov 22, 2014
This week (or maybe last week; I don't really keep up on these things) is "work out loud week". What that means is that we should share the work that we're doing as we do it. OLDaily is my tool for this. Though to be honest, my work has shifted in a way OLDaily hasn't, exactly, as for the last year I have been leading the LPSS program, a role that has added a slew of new responsibilities: project planning, budgets and resource planning, marketing and communication strategies, and more. I'm enjoying the new challenges, but I still think I could be doing a better job. Anyhow, this post reminds me of the reasons I should share more. As John Stepper says, "Working out loud is working in an open, generous, connected way so you can build a purposeful network, become more effective, and access more opportunities." See also Rawn Shah , who points out that everyone is figuring out their job on the fly, and Austin Kleon's Show Your Work!
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