Open Culture covers "Stanford's Class2Go. The platform is open, meaning that you can grab the code base for free and run it on your very own server. Class2Go is also portable, giving schools the ability to move documents and media to other platforms if they so choose. The Stanford platform is interoperable in the sense that it builds on existing software (MySQL, Github, Piazza, MySQL, Python Django, etc.). And, unlike some other platforms, Class2Go gives educators immediate access to valuable data, allowing them to make refinements to the educational experience." I read some thing about how great Python is and how that's why they used it to develop Class2Go. You can view the code library here. I've looked at Django in the past for my own work but decided to go with a much lighter Perl backend (and to use things like JQuery and Bootstrap to do the client-side work). The other thing I don't have, of course, is Stanford's PR department (or anything resembling that). Anyhow, Class2Go has been around for a few months now.
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