Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ ds106 is a Complex Universe Full of Stars

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community

I think it's nice to say ds106 is a universe filled with stars, except that in the univrse stars barely interact with each other - they throw out a little gravity and EM radiation to the erest willy nilly, but that's about it. The stars - be they resources or people or events - in ds106 are much more closely related; the course features, true, some content just throuwn out there like an x-ray, but also a lot of person-to-person communication, the sort of denser interaction that characterizes something a lot more cohesive than a universe. But i get the metapho, and the diagram is nice.

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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Last Updated: Jan 18, 2025 7:53 p.m.

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