Situated Technologies
Various authors,
Apr 30, 2012
Trebor Scholz wraps up the Situated Technologies: Beneath and Beyond Big Data symposium held last week with this post linking to the nine books covered by the series, all of which are available online (clip and save for summer reading):
- The Situated Technologies Series edited by Omar Khan, Trebor Scholz, and Mark Shepard
- Urban Computing and its Discontents Adam Greenfield and Mark Shepard
- Urban Versioning System 1.0 Matthew Fuller and Usman Haque
- Situated Advocacy Benjamin Bratton and Natalie Jeremijenko Laura Forlano and Dharma Dailey
- Responsive Architecture / Performing Instruments Philip Beesley and Omar Khan
- A synchronicity: Design Fictions for Asynchronous Urban Computing Julian Bleecker and Nicolas Nova
- MicroPublicPlaces Marc Böhlen and Hans Frei
- From Mobile Playgrounds to Sweatshop City Trebor Scholz and Laura Y. Liu
- The Internet of People for a Post-Oil World Christian Nold and Rob van Kranenburg
- Modulated Cities: Networked Spaces, Reconstituted Subjects Helen Nissenbaum and Kazys Varnelis
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