The Autism of Knowledge Management
Patrick Lambe,
Jul 10, 2003
Today's longish issue has a theme of sorts, though I don't know exactly what it is - something to do with the nature of objects, games and the new learner. And the futility of trying to move from the physical world of artifacts to the virtual world of ideas while keeping all your concepts, parasigms and practices intact. Anyhow, this item - dug up by Scott Leslie following up a reference in the Macromedia white paper - is a nice lead-in to today's non-theme. Like Leslie, I am uncomfortable with the autism analogy (people who are not psychologists should stay well away from the field). The point (completely ignored by today's learning object evangelists): "That there is a qualitative difference between the process of steelmaking and learning as a human experience laden as it is with emotive colouring, and nested in an intricate, ever-changing web of relationships, is not noticed, or it is ignored." Like I said, just the right note...
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