The Only Winning Move is to Watch This
Mar 28, 2012
I gre up in the shadow of nuclear war - and if you are worried today about terrorism, try growing up with the knowledge that at any minute society could be turned into a global firestorm. Here's the Metafilter article: "Most of us reading on the blue lived through at least a portion of it. Forty-plus years of tension between the world's two superpowers and their allies. That's right: The Cold War. Then, they made a documentary. Aired on CNN in 1998, and never released on DVD, the 24 episode, 20 hour series features tons of archival footage, along with many interviews with individuals directly involved at some of the highest levels. You might not be able to see it on DVD, but you can watch the full series on Youtube, starting with Part 1: Comrades (1917-1945)." The title of the post is a reference to Waggames, which has a long history in internet lore: "the only winning move is not to play."
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