Re-launch of Creative Commons Canada
Jessica Coates,
Creative Commons,
Mar 23, 2012
I'd really be interested to know what went on behind the scenes to produce this: "Today we’re pleased to announce that Athabasca University, BCcampus, and the Samuelson-Glushko Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic have joined together to re-establish a CC affiliate team in Canada. All three organizations will take part in the official relaunch at the Creative Commons Salon Ottawa: Open Data on Friday, March 30." The article explains, "this is not a new affiliate so much as a re-ignition of our existing Canadian community." So the old team of "of volunteers, interns and affiliate leads" has proven inadequate? I'm less sanguine than most about basing Canadian Creative Commons in institutions. I'd rather see an independent organization. And a democratic one.
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