Summary of a talk by Lee Rainie, director of the Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project. Three factors, he says, have changed the face of learning today:
- idespread access to broadband Internet connectivity
- the popularity of social networking
- near ubiquity of mobile computing
"The spread of broadband made it possible for students to become content creators. We know that three-quarters of Internet-connected teenagers now create content and share it online. It's not necessarily profound stuff--it's not War and Peace. They're sharing status updates; they're telling stories about their lives; they're reacting to things; and they're rating and ranking things. But that's the way people are using these new tools to tell stories about themselves."
- idespread access to broadband Internet connectivity
- the popularity of social networking
- near ubiquity of mobile computing
"The spread of broadband made it possible for students to become content creators. We know that three-quarters of Internet-connected teenagers now create content and share it online. It's not necessarily profound stuff--it's not War and Peace. They're sharing status updates; they're telling stories about their lives; they're reacting to things; and they're rating and ranking things. But that's the way people are using these new tools to tell stories about themselves."
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