Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ SCORM Deployment Issues in an Enterprise Distributed Learning Architecture

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community
This article is dauntingly technical, but it's a great read, clearly illustrating why SCORM cannot be deployed in a multi-domain environment. In a nutshell, the SCORM API interfaces (commonly known as the 'wrapper') require that the learning object and the LMS communicate with each other using Javascript or a similar technology. But security restrictions have for the last decade prohibited cross-domain communication between these scripts. So SCORM won't work across domains. As Stephen Lanahas comments, "More importantly though, the architectural aproach of SCORM actually prevents utilization of distributed content repositories across organizations / enterprises, more or less killing the B2B potential for the entire technology in question (Learning Onjects)." It's a rookie mistake and I'm surprised it got through the technical reviews. But the solution outlined in this paper is straightforward: as AICC does, use HTTP calls to establish communications between the learning object and the LMS. Simple. Too simple, apparently, for SCORM.

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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Last Updated: Jun 07, 2024 07:57 a.m.

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