Free To Learn
Hal Plotkin,
Creative Commons,
Oct 07, 2010
This is a good guide to open educational resources (OERs) and readers interested in the subject should take the time top read it. But it should be noted that the guide is firmly rooted in what might be called the institutional model of OERs. This is evident, not only from the list of people selected as 'leaders' in the acknowledgments section, but also the depiction of OERs in the text: "There are currently two primary methods employed to ensure the quality of OER. The first replicates traditional academic practices by using a carefully vetted, top-down authoring system.... The second methodology relies on the same basic procedures used in the open source software community." That there is a third, distributed, form of production and quality control mechanism does not appear to occur to the author (non-institutional initiatives, like "Khan Academy", are labeled "unique", even though this form is probably the dominant form of OER production in the world today.)
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