Crowd Sourcing a Promotion Case…
Tony Hirst,
OUseful Info,
Aug 11, 2010
I totally admire people who are willing to take a risk like this - Tony Hirst outsources his promotion case. He writes, "I have been told there is a need to "demonstrate clearly your claims of excellence in relation to the promotion criteria. The statement needs to inform the Academic Staff Promotions Committee of the contributions you have made at the Open University, and the impact and significance of these.... So racked with embarrassment at doing this ('tis what happens when you don't publish formally, don't get academic citations in the literature, and don't have a "proper" academic impact factor;-) I'm going to take the next 10 days off in a place with no internet connection…. but anyway, here goes: an attempt at crowd-sourcing parts of my promotion case…."
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