Various authors,
May 28, 2010
Grainne Conole is inviting people to become involved in a study of open educational practices (OEP). "The OPAL (http://oer-quality.org/) project is an international network to promote innovation and better quality in education and training through the use of open educational resources. We have collected over 60case studies of OER initiatives and from these abstracted a set of associated Open Educational Practices (OEP). Open Educational Practices (OEP) are defined as the set of activities and support around the creation, use and repurposing... The spotlight event is occuring online and will also be discussed at the EDEN conference in Valencia on 10th June. In addition we would welcome views from the community about the dimensions we have derived and also the OER case studies. An online space has been set up to facilitate this consultation process." Via email from Susan D'Antoni.
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