Critical Readings
Doug Noon,
Jan 07, 2010
Doug Noon writes about The Public School, which is "a school with no curriculum." He adds, "Someone proposes a class, and when enough interest builds, a teacher is found to teach whoever signed up." Supporting the school is a great online library, "AAAARG is a conversation platform - at different times it performs as a school, or a reading group, or a journal." In the library, Noon fiends a work by Freire, The Act of Study. Noon writes, "Freire recommended that we become "subjects of the act" and attempt to recreate the text for ourselves. He saw critical reading as the expression of an attitude toward the world, and not just a relationship to a book or an article. 'To study,' he said, 'is not to consume ideas, but to create and to re-create them.'" This is exactly what I did as a student, and is core to the pedagogy I recommend today.
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