Reaching those that don't care about grades
Doug Johnson,
Blue Skunk Blog,
Sept 04, 2009
Ah! Yes! I stopped caring about grades in grade 7 (with a brief relapse in grade 8) all the way through to somewhere in my fourth year of university, when I actually tried to start attending class (all the more remarkable, in retrospect, when you consider the amount of effort it took me to actually get admitted to and to afford university). The only time I actually cared about grades, I got straight As. The rest of the time - which is most of the time - I had other interests. Like learning, creating (especially creating!), understanding, knowing... Don't get me wrong, it's not that grades were irrelevant (you had to keep them to a certain level, at least after high school) it's just I was always willing to sacrifice a bit of grade point for something more important. Related: Alex Reid on Dan Pink
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