Tim O'Reilly - who popularized (and then tried to own) the term "web 2.0" - is now looking at what comes next. No, not "web 3.0". It's an odd list. Item 1 is "Google search on the iphone" - which is odd, because I used Google search on my Blackberry yesterday (Blackberry should launch an ad campaign: BLB. "Be Like Barak". From now on, I'll use that when talking about Blackbrry.) Other things include the 'CD database', the 'AMEE Smart Grid', the 'NASA/CISCO Planetary Skin' to monitor climate (just part of the general 'sensors' trend), and the 'IBM Smarter Planet'. I think the list is mostly a miss, and note that every item on the list is branded. The future will not be branded; if it's the "IBM this..." or the "NASA that..." then it's not a trend.
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