Anti-gravity Aircraft a Hit
Darren Jacobs,
Detroit News,
Dec 04, 2002
It is almost a truism in some educational circles that students need to be guided. But I can't imagine any pre-planned curriculum that would include building an anti-gravity aircraft as part of the program. But that's what students in this Dearborn, Michigen, class have done. Some have questioned why a such a craft was researched and assembled in a video class. "Everybody asks," said [teacher Russ] Gibb, a Dearborn educator for 45 years. "The old concept is that there's a science department, a math department, an English department," said Gibb. "But what you begin to get as we move into this new age is that they are all interrelated. There's music in a math problem." You can see video of the anti-grav aircraft here (requires Real Media).
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