CRLFI contacted the editors of Online Learning Magazine, who replied:
CRLFFor the record:
CRLF1) The writer is no longer with our company, but his departure has nothing whatsoever to do with the article. In fact, his employment with us was terminated prior to the issue being mailed.CRLF
CRLF2) The magazine in which it appeared has been incorporated into its 40-year-old sister publication, Training magazine. Given that e-learning is just another tool in the training/learning toolbox, it made no sense for us to continue publishing two separate products so we merged them into one (the one with the far superior brand image) that will continue to cover the entire market.CRLF
CRLF3) Any letters to the editor that we receive regarding Online Learning's last issue will be posted on since there will not be an opportunity for us to print them elsewhere (we cannot simply print them in the next issue of Training because Training's subscribers will have no earthly idea to which article they are referring.)CRLF
CRLF4) Finally, we did indeed allow Thor to alter his direct quotes. Typically, we would never have cause to do this. In a normal world, we would simply run his letter to the editor in the next issue of the magazine and hope that his letter would serve to clarify his quotes sufficiently for him. However, since there will be no "next" issue, I offered that we clean the quotes up before the article was posted.CRLF
CRLFI trust that this answers your questions.
CRLFTammy Galvin
CRLFExecutive Editor
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