Borg Journalism
John Hiler,
Microcontent News,
Apr 11, 2002
Still connecting the dots: over the next few months (see my calendar - I will be talking several times about syndicated learning, or as I title my presentation for CADE, distance learning in the daily news. OLDaily is an example of syndicated learning. It is my answer to Hibbs's dilemma (and Jensen's proposal). But take the idea of the learning newsletter a step further, and it becomes network learning. "It's not the individual weblog that fascinates me. It's when you tap the collective power of thousands of weblogs that you start to see all sort of interesting behavior emerge. It's a property of what scientists call complex adaptive systems and it's enabling weblogs as a collective to become more than the sum of its parts." The idea here is that the network of connected weblogs forms a system, and moreover, a system in which no individual assumes greater control over the others, except as he or she gains through personal reputation, as granted by the readers. What should be noted by online instructors is the method behind becoming part of this chorus. "True assimilation requires a journalist to learn about blogrolling, to follow referer links, to read dozens of blogs, to learn how to follow distributed conversations across scores of blogs. It's an intense level of involvement and commitment."CRLF
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