I can see how this paper, especially when delivered as a keynote address, would leave readers and listeners scratching their heads. But there is a deep and multi-layered understanding of what is going on in e-learning exhibited in this essay (and you'll be introduced to four new words, describing four scenarios of online learning in the future). I can't tell you what this paper is about: the meaning will shift according to your own individual context. Don't just read this paper start-to-finish. Give it a quick once-over, as though it were a talk. Then scroll back and forth through it and pick up the pattern exhibited through the whole. Keep in mind that the author is talking about learning networks as much as she is talking about online collaboration. Then do some background reading in the excellent list of references at the conclusion of the paper. This is an outstanding work and really deserves much more consideration that you would give some typical article in a journal.
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