LMS Governance Final Report
Lisa Wise, James Quealy,
Wise Word Press,
Jul 03, 2006
Interesting and well-informed report considering what existing LMS governance models tell us and how this can be contrasted to alternative models described by e-learning 2.0. The difference may be seen in the differing use of language, which "represents a fundamental conceptual difference between (a) Elearning 2.0 practice around dynamic, interactive, adaptive, networked, online learning environments as infrastructure and (b) traditional elearning practice around static multimedia resources as content to be delivered online via an LMS, CMS or portal." These two models characterize differing epistemic models of organization, where the LMS characterizes "ordered ontology and rule-based epistemology", in contrast to "unordered ontology and heuristic-based epistemology". It is in this context we can ask, with the authors (p.7), why generally recognized "principles of good practice" of governance were not followed with respect to the selection and employment of LMSs, for example, "the failure to develop a business case for LMS at Melbourne and Monash" in Australia. A nice, elegant piece of research and writing.
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