Presented as an achingly dry research paper (up to and including references by the author to herself as 'this researcher' - ugh! Just say 'I'!), this essay nonetheless contains some good insights. This reader appreciated her diagrams, especially the detailed The Community-building Paradigm and the community building process. And some good ideas: "Community does not have to end when the class or the program ends. TheCRLFdepartment or institution should consider ways in which to continue two-way communication that facilitates community. The department or institution canCRLFreadily keep in contact with the students through a database of e-mail addresses, a listserv, or a web site. Thus, a community formed through the classes and the program, can be maintained not only for the students’ benefit (which might be personal, academic or both) but also for departmental and university purposes such as fundraising and networking."
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