You’re It!
Christian Crumlish, Gene Smith,
You’re It!,
Oct 03, 2005
New blog on tagging containing links such as Ian Davis on Why Tagging is Expensive and defense of tagging to counter Gene Smith argument. Tagging is the rage these days, especially in Web 2.0 circiles. And as Rashmi Sinha observes, it is cognitive cheaper than selecting categories. Still. I'm not going to go back and tag 8,000 posts every time a new tag is developed (which is about every other day). Nor am I going to launch into tag campaigns. My approach, courtesy the new Search Page I completed over the week-end, is automatic tagging. Does it work? See my revised Research Page or even the 'tags' at the end of this post (not linked to Technorati, of course - brand lock-in is so Web 1.0).
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