Some new reviews are out from eLearning Reviews The review of Stahl's chapter alone makes this book sound worth while. CSCL stands for computer-supported collaborative learning and the book as a whole is a collection of articles on the subject. Off topic: I have considered doing book reviews here in OLDaily - but I'd be limited, I guess, to the books I buy at Chapters (which, as I've mentioned before, is offering a smaller and smaller selection). So this week's review would have been Norman Cantor's 'The last Knight', about the twilight of the Middle Ages; the one before would have been Che Guevera's 'Motorcycle Dairies'. Hm, maybe I'll do it anyway. (Why don't I buy online, you ask? Because if I'm going to shell out twenty or thirty dollars for a book, I'm going to read a few chapters first and make sure I like it.)
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