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The end of Twitter
Ben Werdmuller, 2022/10/24


"There was no good way out. Twitter as we know it is sunsetting," writes Ben Werdmuller. "So where do we go next?" he asks. "The answer is almost certainly not one single place... The solution will be an ecosystem of loosely-joined communities, not a single software platform or website - and certainly not a service run by a single company." That sounds to me like a good thing, and while it raises its own set of issues, it solves the problem of a single platform broadcasting hate to society as a whole.

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The Bruce Willis Deepfake Is Everyone's Problem
Will Bedingfield, Wired, 2022/10/24


The use of AI to create deepfakes isn't just about misrepresenting what a person believes or says. "It's crucial to understand here that transferability isn't about authorizing uses of your identity for money, it's about ownership, your identity conceived of as a transferable property right, like patents or copyrights, able to be bought and sold."

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The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods for Social-Ecological Systems
Reinette Biggs, et al., 2022/10/24


Open access reference book. According to the description, "Each chapter discusses the types of SES questions to which the particular methods are suited and the potential resources and skills required for their implementation... [The book also]  contains a conceptual and practical introduction to SES research, a discussion of key gaps and frontiers in SES research methods, and a glossary of key terms in SES research. Contributions from 97 different authors, situated at SES research hubs in 16 countries around the world, including South Africa, Sweden, Germany and Australia, bring a wealth of expertise and experience to this book." P.S. this is the first gRSShopper lin k created using my new gRSShopper bookmarklet. :)

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