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EDISON Data Science Framework (EDSF)
Adam Belloum, Yuri Demchenko, et.al., EDISON, 2021/06/04


As part of the work being done in the FAIRsFAIR book sprint I reviewed the EDISON Data Science Framework (EDSF), which is quite interesting as an example of a formal organization of a domain. Here's how it works (quotes from the intro chapter): the competence framework "identifies competence groups, knowledge areas, and skills based on an extensive analysis of the actual Data Scientist job market profession in industry and research"; the body of knowledge (BoK) "is built around knowledge area groups that are linked to the CF-DS competence groups," and finally, the curriculum guide " defines Learning Units that help structure academic curricula and courses (based on) grounded in the Data Science competences defined in CF-DS and the corresponding Learning Outcomes." The project appears abandoned as of 2017 but is definitely worth a look.

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Description of the eight EQF levels
European Union, 2021/06/04


This was mentioned in a discussion today as an alternative to Bloom's taxonomy and is used as part of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). It's a lot more detailed and addresses knowledge, skills and degree of responsibility. "Each of the 8 levels of the EQF is defined by a set of descriptors indicating the learning outcomes relevant to qualifications at that level in any qualifications system." The diagram is mine; it's not great but I couldn't find any others.

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European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations
European Commission, 2021/06/04


The multilingual classification of European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO) "identifies and categorises skills, competences, qualifications and occupations relevant for the EU labour market and education and training. It systematically shows the relationships between the different concepts." This is a very comprehensive resource, with some 2942 occupations listed and 13485 skills or competences. You can download them or access them through the API. " In Linked data any concept is identified by a Uniform resource identifier (URI). For example, the URI http://data.europa.eu/esco/occupation/528f90ed-e250-48bd-aacc-ffb7b1de5654 will identify the occupational profile 'Textile specialised seller'," and in turn, each skill associated with the occupation has its own identifier.

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How lessons learned in delivering courses last year may affect the mode of course delivery this fall
Ian Munroe, University Affairs, 2021/06/04


While people will rush to get back to exactly the way it was before, it will be hard not to take some lessons forward with us. “Will you make accommodations for people who feel uncomfortable with returning to campus this fall? Will all classes have an online delivery method as well as an in-person option?" Good questions. George Veletsianos, quoted for this article, says "the pandemic has made clear for many people that online and blended learning allows more students to continue working or caring for their family while studying."

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