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Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community

Half an Hour, Mar 09, 2017

Live notes from the SUNY OpenCOTE Conference, Syracuse,  NY.

SUNY Goal: 150K graduates by 2015 (up from 95K this year)
SUNY ACSIE Framework - Access, Completion, Success, Inquiry, Engagement
500+ Online programs from 43 campuses
   - Leadership - eg. COTE Community of Practice, Early Alerts
   - Partnership - OERs, Enrollment Marketing
   - Support - Cross-campus credits, financial aid

Photo TLTCOneonta

 Michele Forte, OpenSUNY, Empire State College - Early Alerts

Context: had a Starfish (early alert tool) contract in place through OpenSUNY, and looked for ways to leverage that. The intent was follow up on a previously successful mentor-campus format.

This was a new model of a shared service. There was enhanced guidance for campuses, support for mentor campuses, and a community of practice was built.

The intent was to built cross-system collaboration, increase efficiencies, capture and scale success, and support the mentor campus model. Tools include the SUNY Commons, and within it the SUNY Starfish Team, and then Basecamp (project management tool) for each campus.

Challenges: SUNY campus are diverse and so the use of EA is diverse. The means of identifying cohorts is different on each campus. The tool needs to be evaluated as well as used.

Project metrics: ease of implementation, how it's used, minimum configuration, etc.

Meghan Dinan, SUNY Enrollment Services - Recruitment Project for Online Programs

Puts all the programs on one spot - easy to search, very accessible. This resulted in an increase from 40 to 1800 leads for the programs. (Demonstration of lead processing workflow - feeds into existing 'Campus Connect' online lead system for individual campuses).

Campuses reported they wanted faster process time, and they wanted the raw data instead of pre-designed format.

Tara Conrad, Genessee Community College - Cross-Registration Automation

This initiative was initiated in November, MTP (memo to the president) being drafted, electronic request form being generated. The design team is being asked to: draft requirements, test the new tool, and create documentation and training materials.

The first version of the tool will not auto-populate course information, won't scrub addresses, won't have an SIS data stream. But it will sit inside the SUNY federation, so students will already be in the system, and will provide a workflow-type functionality. It should support inter-institution collaborations, eg., uploading and retrieval of transcripts.

Possible campus-level actions include: explore opportunities for cross-registration, identify campus contacts, review cross-registration procedures, and adopt processes that facilitate paperless registration requests.

Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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