These concepts don't all relate to education, and their importance most certainly isn't limited to political life, but it's a good list and educators should be aware of all of them. Here's the one-minute version:
- Scepticism - "a willingness to evenly assess the scientific evidence available."
- Iatrogenesis - illness "brought forth by the healer," like the opioid epidemic
- Social cost of carbon - the damage each ton of CO2 emission costs society
- Clean coal - expensive, but "captures the carbon dioxide and buries it"
- Gene drives - increase a gene's chance of being inherited
- CRISPR - being widely used to manipulate DNA with extraordinary precision
- NgAgo - new tech which might manipulate DNA with even greater precision
- Confrmation bias - the tendency to select information that supports our existing beliefs
- IPFS - makes copies of everything instead of relying on links
- PFOA - unregulated cancer agent turning up in drinking water
- Neonicotinoids - the pesticide that caused widespread bee colony collapse
- SETI - search for extra-terrestrial intelligence using powerful new tools
Now you's caught up. :)
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