Mesage to OpenEd Community
University of Guelph,
Jun 09, 2015
The University of Guelph appears to have reconsidered its plan to trademark the term 'OpenEd'. It was not intended to compete with, um, OpenEd, but "it is evident that the various meanings of the term 'OpenEd' will be challenged to co-exist and therefore, the University of Guelph is taking steps to release the official mark in its entirety, although this will make the mark available for others to attempt to make it their official mark or to apply to register it as a traditional trade-mark." I think we understand that. And I would like to think the community will make a similar noise the next time it's tried (note that this item does not appear as a freestanding web page, but just a note punned to the 'News' page, and probably has a short lifespan).
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