Honestly, I think this is just a restatement of a lot of the stuff we have been saying about connectivist MOOCs (cMOOCs) but some of the style of presentation is sufficiently distinct so as to merit a post of its own. MIT's Otto Scharmer describes what he calls "MOOC 4.0" as "Many-to-One: Deep listening among learners as a vehicle for sensing one's highest future possibility through the eyes of others." Reading further we see that he explains, "the social field turns into a mirror that allows each individual to see his or her own highest future possibility." So what is the 'social field'? Well, it could be anything from Etienne Wenger's community of practice to Terry Anderson's social presence. But I see it as the emergent voice, a concept I have talked about often, where the knowledge possessed by a network is not possessed by any individual, but which emerges from the totality of the voices, and must be recognized by the perceiver, the way we would recognize a picture of Richard Nixon on the television.
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