Doug Belshaw flags this article in LifeHacker asking people to comment on the life skills they never learned growing up. As one commenter says, "I just realized, this entire article boils down to 'give Lifehacker ideas for future articles'." But hey, why not? In any case, the comments section is filled with ideas for good life lessons. Here's a sampling:
- basic hygiene habits like flossing/brushing teeth, taking showers, shaving, cosmetics, and hairstyling.
- education on how to have constructive relationships
- basic finance. My parents handled everything and didn't teach me about budgeting at all
- how to exercise or be physically fit
- emotional intelligence. Being able to communicate exactly how I feel instead of sticking my head in the sand
- knowing a little bit about car repairs and maintenance
- how to wear makeup
- how to handle repeated failure. How to be content with doing "alright", not "outstanding" in life
- how to cook
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