So I actually think this is a pretty good speech (is this because Joe Wilson said it was good? Would I have had a different view if I went into reading it having been told it was bad? - these are questions we all have to ask). He refers to FELTAG, the Further Education Learning Technology Action Group, created "to to encourage a public conversation on the draft ideas that emerged during the FELTAG discussions to help inform the response to these recommendations." Anyhow, some highlights fom the speech:
- Scientists in Australia resurrected a frog species that had been extinct for 20 years - that gives birth through its mouth.
- A Japanese inventor designed a light that fits inside your nose - and lights up, every time you breathe.
- Researchers in the USA managed to give a mouse false memories - making it react to an electric shock it didn't receive.
Be sure to read Wilson's summary as well - lots of links and good overview discussion.
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