A Shared Story
Stephen Collis,
Mar 26, 2013
Stephen Collis could have expended many more words in this sparse post to make the point, but he is on the right track. The advice is as follows: "Every problem is a people problem, every space is a people-space. Beware my temptation to construct an illusory simpler world that operates by forms, templates, emails, rules, lesson plans, the bizarre fictions called 'outcomes', timetables, compliance, deadlines and data." But the idea that we understand the world by recognition rather than buy induction (rather than by counting or measuring) is I think a correct one. Does this become a shared story? Well no - while we all see the same images in a Bev Doolittle piece, we see different things in the real world. That creates, not a shared vision, but the necessity to avoid the illusion of one.
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