Knowmad Society
John Moravec,
Mar 20, 2013
A Knowmad is "a nomadic knowledge worker, that is, a creative, imaginative, and innovative person who can work with almost anybody, anytime, and anywhere." In this volume on the Knowmads, nine authors bring togethr their ideas on the future of work. Readers may be interested in John Moravec's thoughts on "the paradoxical co-existence of 'Education 1.0' in 'Society 3.0'." He writes, "In the knowmadic, 3.0 proto-paradigm of invisible learning, rote, 'just in case' memorization needs to be replaced with learning that is intended to be personally meaningful for all participants in the learning experience. Moreover, the application of knowledge toward innovative problem solving takes primacy over the regurgitation of previous knowledge or 'facts.' In essence, students become knowledge brokers."
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