Changing Tracks with Classroom Game Design
Jeff Whipple,
Whip Blog,
Aug 13, 2012
Summary of a keynote and link to a TEDx video by Montana educator Paul Anderson. The message is essentially one promoting drastic change while remaining rooted in the classroom. I can't see it, personally: I think we will have learned how to design edcuation for the future when we have started moving out of the classroom, and into the world. "The only time and space we can shape is our classroom environmentl," writes Jeff Whipple. "Don't place excessive demands on students to watch videos or do other academic work outside of school." I understand this, the most crucial argument against 'flipping' the classroom, as it creates unfairness for those who work outside school, or have unstable homes, or lack connectivity and other resources. But that's no reason to focus only on the classroom! We need to think more widely, toward a more inclusive and community-oriented education, rather than simply being blind to the spocial disparities that exist outside our doors.
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