Having just 'discovered' Stian HÃ¥klev, a writer who should be familiar to OLDaily readers, and on learning how "out of step" he is, Sir John Daniel may want to consider subscribing to this newsletter (or at least picking up the OPML feed for his news reader, if he uses one). He is just now considering switching the focus from production of OERs to re-use, which the rest of the community is considering switching the focus from reuse to community production (or the 'prosumer' model of sustainability). He recogbnizes that "allied to the current producer focus is a prevalent attitude that can charitably be called noblesse oblige or less charitably, neo-colonialism," but not, I fear, that focus on consumption perpetuates the same attitude. I continue to have mixed feelings about Daniel's role in open learning; his support for open learning and open educational resources is to be lauded, but I fear he looks only to cabinet ministers and directors for innovation, when it is really happening on the ground at the hands of people he can only by happenstance 'discover'.
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