Working Together With AICC
Jonathan Poltrack,
ADL / Google Sites,
Feb 24, 2011
Jonathan Poltrack wrote, "I'm really happy to announce that, as of today, our Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Technical Team is beginning a joint effort with the Aviation Industry CBT Committee (AICC) that will update the CMI Data Model. This effort, along with Project Tin Can, furthers the Future Learning Experience Project." Here's the open LinkedIn group. There is a lot of really good discussion on this that has already happened in the Project Tin Can forum, in particular this set of topics addressing what people would like a new SCORM to do, including:
- I want to use distributed content
- It needs to be simple
- I want to track disconnected or long-running content
- I want to get at my SCORM runtime data
- Portable content
- I want to enable collaboration between multiple learners
- Use of existing standards - JSON, SOAP, REST
- I want to use distributed content
- It needs to be simple
- I want to track disconnected or long-running content
- I want to get at my SCORM runtime data
- Portable content
- I want to enable collaboration between multiple learners
- Use of existing standards - JSON, SOAP, REST
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