Now with more than 355 mirrors, Wikileaks is not going away, despite efforts to shut down its DNS, block it from using web hosting or eliminate its use of PayPal. Probably as well, orders to students to not discuss Wikileaks on pain of losing job prospects will prove equally futile. Still, what should not be lost on people is the way the federal mechanism has moved swiftly to shut down debate. Wikileaks may survive, but the government has ways of making your online presence simply disappear and is not afraid to use them. The more centralized the internet becomes - the more we depend on big hubs, common services, large providers - the more likely we will be made to disappear for increasingly trivial offences. Remember, what Wikileaks is doing today is what newspapers used to do in the past, back in the days when we had journalists rather than speechwriters and shills. See also Hello, Big Brother: Columbia Tells Students, "Don't Talk About Wikileaks".
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