Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ webOS 2.0 screenshots appear: QuickOffice, VPN support, Skype?

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community
I got my Palm Pre mostly by accident - but I've since been convinced and intrigued by its WebOS operating system. It is, to my estimation, significantly better than Apple's iOS. WebOS uses Webkit to render web pages, a technology what itself is promising. Moreover, as the Wikipedia article states, "The webOS features significant online social network and Web 2.0 integration." So I'm intrigued, and I think there's something here that will push mobile computing well beyond the restrictive environment of Apple or even Android. Here, in the image at right, we see some signs of that. If HP (which now owns Palm) were to open-source it, we might really have something.

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

Copyright 2025
Last Updated: Jan 17, 2025 11:10 a.m.

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