Scott McLeod throws out some comment bait with the question, what's wrong with the edublogosphere? The comments are fun:
- people who "uncork" because they feel they are anonymous.
- too much bandwagon-jumping
- all these edubloggers are just talking to each other
- Too few people writing blogs, too few people leaving comments and too few even reading blogs
- the edublogosphere is dominated by the those who are seen as the Mothers and Fathers of education
- The vast majority of the most important voices are too busy to be regular contributors
- Twitter seems to keep many bloggers from posting.
- Too much posting out into the ether, not enough engaging individuals in a conversation.
Like I said, fun reading. McLeod follows up with a post about what's right with the edublogosphere, but that's a lot less interesting.
- people who "uncork" because they feel they are anonymous.
- too much bandwagon-jumping
- all these edubloggers are just talking to each other
- Too few people writing blogs, too few people leaving comments and too few even reading blogs
- the edublogosphere is dominated by the those who are seen as the Mothers and Fathers of education
- The vast majority of the most important voices are too busy to be regular contributors
- Twitter seems to keep many bloggers from posting.
- Too much posting out into the ether, not enough engaging individuals in a conversation.
Like I said, fun reading. McLeod follows up with a post about what's right with the edublogosphere, but that's a lot less interesting.
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