Applying the 80-20 Rule
Jane Hart,
Waller Hart,
Feb 12, 2007
Jane Hart asks, if "you have a £100,000 budget to spend this year, does that mean if you apply the 80-20 rule, you really only have as little as £20,000 to spend on formal learning? So what on earth do you do with the other £80,000?" It's a good question. And the answer is, of course, "access to 'learning' when they need it and just in time to do a task." But what does that look like? Because I access our organization's online resources basically never. How do you get people to look at them when they're needed, is ever? You have to look at the work flow. If you have a wiki, but staff have to stop what they're doing and open it up to use it, then they mostly likely won't. If you have a blog but staff have to access blogspot every day to use it, they won't. Because it's not part of their workflow. If I have £80,000 and worked in a normal office (ie., one where people start their day by opening their email) I'd hire someone to run a daily email newsletter (not once a week or once a month, because then they become Productions, over-engineered and not useful or habitual) linking to blogs, wiki pages and other stuff I'd encourage staff in various departments to produce.
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