Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ High-Speed Connectivity in Spain and the World

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community

Jul 26, 2006

Summary of a talk by Victor Castelo (Spain), Bogota, Colombia, July 26, 2006

I advise you to maintain your RENATA network (as contrasted with private networks)

Comparison between the oute maps of the colonizers and the rout map for connections to South America.

'Know the User' - power law graph of users:
type A - ADSL - limited needs, many users
type B - need vpn servces
Type C - need great bandwith, very few users - "Need very fat pipes"

GLIF (Global Lambda Intgrated Facility) - switching from extreme to extreme, of many to few, is very important - so we want to connect those high-bandwidth users to the general grid --> regular IP for everybody, but allocates dark fibre for special experiments

e-Ciencia what Spain's evolution will be. (Ack! pfft. middleware)

You totally change your way of researching - eg the possibility of having virtual centres, with resources distributed.

Supercomputers - one of the elements in a network that a network needs. Eg. MareNostrum en BSC. There are things we were not able to do (snazzy graphics pictures shown) that we are now able to do. Analyzing tapes that would take months to analyze.

- Auger Access - (Argentina?) - so that cosmic rays can be seen
- Also, Astrophysical virtual observatory - astronomer has no need to travel to see personally
- Virtual reality applications for immersion situations (eg. Tsunami relief, people who have phobias are surrounded by cats, chemical compositions)
- Virtual Room Videoconferencing System
- Access Grid (we have one in Moncton)
- IRIS - development of a distribution list - vs. spam
- Movilidad - eduroam - allows for mobility of teachers & students - allows them to access the wifi system - a series of networks based on mutual trust
- digital libraries - the content stays in the network - using P2P architectures
- Gridlab
- Diligent - middleware to operate info in the network between different institutions - the research group creates its own digital library for public info, library info, our own software (??) - all this works in a dedicated fashion
- Tele-education - Isabel - - chat, presentation, video, etc
- ADA-Madrid -
- Ibertel - tries to distribute resources of a given volume using land and satellite routes
- Sakai - and
- Clio -
- remote opera classes - Proyecto Opera Oberta - need greater sound quality, so we use better systems

Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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