Blackboard Patents Challenged
Scott Jaschik,
Inside Higher Ed,
Dec 01, 2006
More coverage of the action by open source LMS organizations to challenge the Blackboard patent at the the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office after attempts to negotiate with the company failed. "Fontana said that it thus became clear that Blackboard couldn't be relied on to respect the open source movement. 'They made it pretty clear that they wanted to hold on to the option of suing open source providers,' he said." Also, from vnunet Yahoo UK and Ireland, "Despite repeated assurances that it won't target the open source projects, Blackboard is now wrongly portrayed as an enemy of open source, [Blackboard counsel Matthew] Small complained... 'This is more of an emotional and religious issue for some people than that it is really a practical concern.'" More coverage: Press Release from the Software Freedom Law Center. Press Release from the Sakai Foundation. My article in Innovate (registration required, sorry) on the Blackboard patent. Articles from Information Week, TechDirt, Personal Computer World, TechWeb, vnunet.
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