Interesting. Michael Caulfield: "I think we know the Chronicle is crap, but I think most people have very little idea how much of that is because of external money which supports the junk research that keeps the Chronicle running. And I think people are still failing to make distinctions, good people with good aims quoting the Vedders of the world because they believe that his talk about an "open-source university" is roughly parallel to say what Brian Lamb or Downes means by that." Which raises the possibility that last week's article in the Chronicle was intended as a lead-in to this hatchet-job accusing Obama of being socialist and promoting some sort of for-profit "openness". Well, as an actual socialist, I can say, Obama is no socialist, though it would be better if he were. "The media narrative pretty much determines what is in the realm of social possibility." Which is why I write this newsletter and why I post items like this questioning that narrative.
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